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Whole lot of nonsense going on.

I surf social media looking for like minded people to connect to and enjoy their work. But I am seeing a whole lot of nonsense going on with social media especial YouTube , Facebook, and IG. Amazingly we are supporting and spending money on the likes of Kevin Samuels, Kwame Brown, The Real Dana, Meechy X, Karen Hunter, Judge Joe Brown and others but non of these shows seems to be focus on bringing African/Native people together to plan an agenda that protect our communities across this country. I am not saying there is not some good content with these content providers but from what I have seem most of it is drama, focus on celebrities or YouTube celebrities talking about who is saying what about them and their response. I see none of this as productive to the work our communities should be doing. Considering that the majority population is now shrinking and with that their political muscle, African/Native people should be focused on securing their own food supply, energy sources, water sources and security to prepare for whatever the future may bring. #GetReady! is a program designed to do just that, bring resources together to build a self reliant community. It starts with supporting the right kind of media.

The Kansas City Opinionated Grandpa (The KCOG)